Correct operating specifications for lab banbury mixer

  1. During the first week of production, tighten the fastening bolts at all parts of the refiner at any time, and then tighten them once a month.
  2. At low temperature, in order to prevent the pipeline frozen out, cooling water should be removed from the cooling pipelines of the machine, and the cooling pipeline should be sprayed clean with compressed air.
  3. Shut down according to the requirement of refining the last material during load test run. After the main motor shuts down, turn off the lubrication motor and hydraulic motor, cut off the power supply, and then turn off the gas source and cooling water source.
  4. When the machine’s ballast is in the upper position, the unloading door is in the closed position and the rotor is rotating, the charging door can be opened to feed into the mixing chamber.
  5. When the mixer stops temporarily during the mixing process, after troubleshooting, the main motor can be started only after the rubber in the mixing room is discharged.
  6. The charging capacity of the mixer should not exceed the design capacity, the current of full-load operation should not exceed the rated current, the instantaneous overload current should be 1.2-1.5 times of the rated current, and the overload time should not exceed lOs.
  7. In a large mixer, the mass of rubber blocks should not exceed 20 kg when feeding, and the temperature of raw rubber blocks should be above 30 C during plasticizing.